Mission Accomplished! Today is the last day of Mattie James’ blog challenge and boy was it a challenge.  Mattie James is a successful entrepreneur/blogger who challenges and pushes her followers to be great.  She teaches bloggers to get paid for their work.  Every month Mattie hosts a challenge with specific instructions.  After the end of the challenge she selects one winner and gifts them with $1000.  For the month of July the challenge consisted of producing blog content every day.  Our blog posts had to have a minimum of 150 characters and at least one image.  While this entire project is completely optional, ya girl loves a good challenge.

I participated in Mattie’s challenge, because I really wanted to see if it’d be willing to put in the work to be successful.  I’m always preaching about consistency, so I wanted to be about it.  I’m guilty of putting my blog on the back burner to focus on Instagram or Pinterest content.  If I’m really being honest prior to this challenge I hadn’t posted on here since January.

The challenge was work. As I like to say “it read me for filth.” I lost motivation, cried a few times, had writers block for a week straight , but one thing is for sure…I DID NOT QUIT. I’ve gained a new respect for bloggers who can create meaningful content everyday.  It’s extremely hard.  During this challenge I learned that discipline will always outwin motivation.  I realized that I’m not as organized as I think I am.  I also realized that I can plan all the content in the world, but timing is everything.

As bloggers we have a goal to share content that is meaningful to our audience.  In the past I didn’t really focus on creating meaningful content that my audience could take away.  I honestly would write whatever I felt. I now know the importance of listening to your audience, reading the room, and creating content that has longevity. While I won’t be blogging every single day, moving forward I will be posting regularly. I owe it to myself and my audience to show up and be consistent. While the challenge is complete the mission and marathon still continues.