Have you done a credit check lately? I’m not talking about checking your FICO score. What I mean by a credit check is have you checked yourself, reflected over your past week, and found positive things to give yourself credit for?  I recently talked about how I was putting too much pressure on myself to be perfect on social media.  I took  a break from social media and when I returned I said that I’d be more kind to myself. One way of being more positive and giving myself grace is by doing a credit check.  At the end of the week I’ll take time to reflect, show gratitude, and be mindful of what I’ve accomplished thus far. This week I want to give myself credit for consistently producing content on all platforms (Blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest). I’m extremely consistent on Instagram as it gets most of my attention, but this week I made it my mission to focus on my other platforms. On Monday I started Mattie James’ consistency challenge for July.  This month the challenge consisted of sharing a blog post everyday for the remainder of the month.  This challenge inspired me to not only produce my best content everyday for Grace and Glitz, but I also wanted to use this opportunity to promote on other platforms. I figured the timing would be perfect. Everyday I’ve been intentional about publishing my blog post and creating an Instagram post to go along with it.  After sharing my content on Instagram and the blog I’ve tried my best to repost and engage on Twitter and Facebook.  I’ll admit, my Twitter and Facebook pages need some work (I’ll work on these), but the platform that I’m most proud of this week is actually my Pinterest.  Not only have I been consistently pinning and editing my boards, I’ve spent extra time researching the platform.  I’ve learned new tips and tricks to increase visibility and I’ve also found new boards to follow for inspiration. I’m already seeing results and it’s only been five days. This consistency challenge has it’s challenges, but I’m giving myself credit for giving it my all.  Let’s put ourselves in check and not be so hard on ourselves. I’m challenging you to do a credit check. Reflect over the week and think about things you’re proud of.  Think about something you can give yourself credit for. We can be our biggest critics at times, but I’m challenging us to be our biggest fans. I hope you all have a great day and remember to be kind to yourself.